The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124232   Message #2742863
Posted By: Stringsinger
10-Oct-09 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace Prize to Crap Talker????
Subject: RE: BS: Peace Prize to Crap Talker????
I want to say that Obama is a tremendous improvement over Bush and his dismantling
of the Nuclear Star Wars program is a great accomplishment. I don't want to be in the position of trashing his accomplishments. The defeat of that airplane is one.

Still, innocent people (scores of thousands) are being killed, maimed and displaced by
unnecessary wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. This doesn't warrant a peace prize.

I don't think that Obama or Kissinger should give the Prize back. But it reflects poorly on
the Committee who administers the Prize and cheapens it.

Instead, we should not be looking for awards but meaningful change in our foreign policy as being important.
