The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124090   Message #2743489
Posted By: Charley Noble
11-Oct-09 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: New Sailortown Days CD-Charley Noble
Subject: RE: New Sailortown Days CD-Charley Noble

We're still doing some editing on this recording, in between sending it out in small batches and getting reaction. I also need to do the full concertina tracks on a couple of songs. And I'm puzzling over what harmonies would work better with "Sea Traders," not convinced that what I've done works well enough.

Everyone likes "Mobile Bay" and "By the Pagoda Anchorage."


I absolutely love "News in Daly's Bar" but one really needs to pick the time to sing it, and then it has an amazing impact; the original poem is twice as long! "Lee Fore Brace" has a similar impact but is a much more compact song.

Everyone likes the last track "Evening Shadows Fall," including my former Ethiopian students. But it has nothing to do with the sea; it's not even in the key of C!

Charley Noble