The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62137   Message #2743559
Posted By: Big Tim
11-Oct-09 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
Subject: RE: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
O no, not more interpretation! HH told us what he meant by the words. There's a place called Greenloaning not far from Perth where HH was born.

In 'Freedom', HH didn't explain to Pete Seeger, 'broomielaw' (pronounced 'broomilaw') = a pier on the river Clyde in central Glasgow. It was on a ferry from there, to Belfast, overnight, that HH wrote another of his smashin songs, 'The Seven Men of Knoydart' (1948).

Maclean=John Maclean (1879-1923) Scottish socialist 'martyr'.
Springburn=district in northern Glasgow.