The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124280   Message #2743902
Posted By: maire-aine
11-Oct-09 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
Subject: RE: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
Si Kahn is my all-time favorite singer-songwriter. I think I have just about every album he's ever recorded.

He really gets what it's like to work in a factory or on a farm. He comes from a background of labor organizing that gives authenticity to his songs. Even his immigration songs. I think my favorite song is "When the Land and They Were Young"-- the line about young women who "gave their hands to strange machines, their lips to foreign tongues" makes me thing of my grandmother. She came to the US as a child, from a Gaeltacht area of Ireland without any English. The first time I heard it, I knew I had to learn it.

Si comes to the Ark in Ann Arbor every few years, and I go to see him whenever I can. One time he sang "What Will I Leave", which I find the most thought-provoking, esp. as I get older.
