The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103171   Message #2744180
Posted By: GUEST,Brendan Phelan
12-Oct-09 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: publication does a doubtful service to folksongs
Subject: RE: publication does a doubtful service to folksongs
Hello, PMB. I came across your segment re: Dublin In My Tears, recently ( I don't spend much time surfing the Net, or the ocean, for that matter ). You are quite right to suggest that songwriters should be happy to have their work accepted into the tradition and refrain from quibbling about changes to certain lyrics that evolve with time. For my own part, I feel very humble and priveledged to have my song accepted into such illustrious company.
However, I feel you were in error in your criticism. I don't think it too much to expect singers to keep to the HISTORICAL facts mentioned in a song, ie. the sailing 'vessel', SS Princess Maud, mentioned in Dublin In My Tears, which transported many hundreds of thousands of migrant Irish workers to England in the 40s, 50s and 60s surely has a right to be properly noted by singers, or 'Songwriters labourers', as I affectionately call them.
One more ommission which gauls me is when singers refer to 'Sap' Kelly of the Coombe as "Sean", or "John". He was my grandfather and I wish him to be remembered by his correct name. After all, one would not refer to Robin Hood as Robert Hood, would they? Slan Leat.