The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24186   Message #274474
Posted By: Gervase
09-Aug-00 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: We Lost Another One
Subject: RE: BS: We Lost Another One
I for one would miss your posts on other stuff and the contributions to you to all kinds of threads. Jed's not alone in making the 'Cat a daily visit, and I know there are legions of people browsing who never post but who find this place a useful and entertaining resource because of its wonderfully eclectic nature.
I suppose the only answer is for us all to get a little thicker-skinned and resolve carry on posting just what the heck we like in the tradition of the Mudcat.
Remember "sticks and stones..."; and a lot of the trolling and flaming is as juvenile as that. But if anyone does get crapped on, I'd like to think that there are a few here who would respond supportively to a PM if the crappee (the person who gets it from the crapper, as it were) wanted to let off steam.