The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123940   Message #2744945
13-Oct-09 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Obituary - Nick Strutt (UK, 29 Sept.2009)
Subject: RE: Obituary - Nick Strutt 29 Sept. 2009
nick phoned me earlier this year he'd just finished reading my book
bringing it all back home.he wanted to discuss some ideas with me.I'm starting to work on my own memoirs he said and then launched into a history of music from memory.he covered everything from English music hall to vauderville'country and western to the outer reaches of the folk rock scene.his knowledge was breathtaking and his love of the bizarre made me laugh long after i put the phone down.he rattled off the names of people he'd worked with ' people he admired and then went into a lengthy routine about acts who had appeared in provincial theatres between the wars.i didn't know if he really knew all this from memory or if he was making it up' but it was bloody funny .i mentioned that i had read a book called grace beauty and banjo's nick thought for a bit..i thought the line had gone dead.then he said dear boy the grace and the beauty i understand but its never about fucking banjo's ian clayton...