The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24206   Message #274576
Posted By: Downeast Bob
09-Aug-00 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Dear Dr. Folkenmusik
Subject: RE: BS: Dear Dr. Folkenmusik
Dear Disheartened:

Don't be discouraged. The ability to break strings on stage is an acquired skill. Many never master it. It's used to best advantage by musicians who know how to change strings quickly and tell stories at the same time. Those who are good at it usually manage to bust a string just when the program is starting drag a bit and they know how to deliver the punch line just as they get the new string tuned to the right pitch. Impressive as all hell. It also comes in handy for musicians who want the audience to know they are financially successful. They enjoy handing the crippled instrument to a roadie and grabbing another tuned and waiting D-45. If you haven't mastered this art in 40 years, it's probably not your style of music, but if it will make you feel better, you can file the B or E string of your guitar part way through and play in front of noisy crowds that can't hear you unless you make a lot of noise.

Good Luck!

Dr. Folkenmusik