The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124346   Message #2745930
Posted By: Hovering Bob
14-Oct-09 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Subject: RE: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Well, apparently some really nasty, insidious things have been perpetrated by some who have populated a parallel chat room and carried out 'raids' into the Mudchat room. I am told that a series of posts to the Mudchat chat room have been copied, edited to make them say something totally different and then sent to people who have taken them at face value. In this way some very hurtful results have been achieved and despicable damage done to the targets of these attacks. The fact that the third parties have been hurt as well is a sad knock on effect.
If the people who have caused this senseless destruction of friendships can not be excluded from Mudchat then it is just as well that the room has been closed, if that is what has happened. Isn't it a sad commentary on the state of the responsible individuals who can look at this sort of cyber thuggery as FUN.
Some close friends of mine have been badly hurt and what I find really disturbing is that the injuries have been inflicted by, or at least condoned, by other friends who should have known better.
It's a disgusting, disgraceful and distasteful situation that should never have been allowed to develop.
Sadly, BobH