The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24181   Message #274648
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
09-Aug-00 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Gore and Lieberman
Subject: RE: Gore and Lieberman
Before I get to the point of the rather bizarre thing I heard on the radio today I would like to refer to Art Thieme's very cleverly written song. Cynical it may be, but I must differ in the opinion of LBJ. Putting VietNam aside (that discussion can go on forever about his inheritance---and I disagreed with him) his pro active involvement in things dealing with the elderly, the races, and Medicare is a legacy we should appreciate.

I was listening for a while to the local Pacifica station here today---WBAI. Probably stands for We Believe All Inanities. The female host---with a truly irritating voice--gave her opionion of Al Gore's choice Mr. Lieberman---her opinion----racist. It just proved to her that now more people are included as white just to keep the blacks and hispanics out---we now consider Jews in the White category. Talk of bizarre interpretations!!

I would love to see less talk of his religion and more about what he stands for. Let us face it---we always talk of the President's attendance at church services, prayer breakfasts, etc; So, Mr Lieberman's attendance and beliefs are similar. But---bottom line---who cares. What about the old American thought for politicos---what will you do for me---and what have you done for me lately?

As to the letter W. Morality is not his strong suite either. Well, maybe after age 45 and a chance to run for office. Better he forgets bringing it up. Besides---daddy frightens me.

Bill H