The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124346   Message #2746738
Posted By: gnu
15-Oct-09 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Subject: RE: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Re John's 15 Oct 09 - 11:18 AM post, I was accused of doing it. I did not. (BTW, that was not part of the original set of problems). And that is a fact that can be proven without Max reading back, which is not his job.

However... if it is brought out into the open, in any way, shape or form, a number of people would be hurt by doing so. People I care about.

In light of this, contrary to what I said, in part, above, my OPINION is that it should be left alone and that we all just bury the hatchet. That is what I have pleaded for many times. unfortunately, it hasn't stopped, as evidenced by this thread.

If it stops now, my lips are seals. I only seek to defend myself and those maligned, libelled and bullied, as I have done all along, and shall continue to do.

PS... the Mudchat I was in last night was quite pleasant and enjoyable. Reminded me of the good old days when I received so much support and caring through dark days and when I met many new and wonderful friends. Thanks once again to all of you.