The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124346   Message #2747789
Posted By: GUEST,perplexed bystander
19-Oct-09 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Subject: RE: mudchat gone? Not used I take it.
Two observations and a question

Unless a login is misappropriated there should be no confusion or *false allegations* by the recipient about the identity of anyone who has sent a PM. The authorship can be in no doubt although his or her motives and intent may not be so obvious.

If anyone is copying wholesale chunks of informal conversation and they are then subsequently distributed to others by PM I would imagine that mudchat was, at least, an uneasy place to be in and, at worst, potentially threatening. There are occasions on the forum when a remark is misinterpreted [sometimes almost deliberately] and for any remark in chat to be taken in isolation from its context there may be a danger of malicious misrepresentation to a third party.

Why is this in the music section?