The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124465   Message #2748753
Posted By: GUEST, Sminky
20-Oct-09 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Old Cemeteries
Subject: RE: BS: Old Cemeteries
I simply cannot pass a cemetery or graveyard. Absolutely fascinating places.

One that remains in my affections, as I often visited it with my Grandfather as a lad, is Carleton cemetery in Blackpool.

Famous names:

Norman Evans, comedian (over the garden wall)
Frank Randle, comedian
Arthur Worsley, ventriloquist
Violet Carson, actress (Ena Sharples)
Reginald Dixon, organist
Jimmy Clitheroe, comedian
Stan Mortenson, footballer
Beatrix Potter, author

....and my Grandfather.