The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24181   Message #274877
Posted By: katlaughing
10-Aug-00 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Gore and Lieberman
Subject: RE: Gore and Lieberman
It is so gawddamed awful Spaw, that the only state-wide newspaper has an article per week, on the front page, of how the young people are leaving in droves from no opportunities and only low-paying service jobs, juxtaposed with yet another article on how well the oil & mineral revenues are doing, but the schools, which they fund, are out of money & going down the tubes; along with one real gem last week on how Wyoming exports so many of its politicians..the young ones, esp., who may actually have had some good ideas but just couldn't break into the shit-stompers ole boy's club.

Sorry for the rant, but it has been an activist week for me and I've had more than my fill of hearing about last-century (and, I ain't talking 20th!)-mired attitudes and harmful machinations and the apathetic or blithely ignorant citizens who embrace them because, golly, gee-whiz, they've never been outta the state and have no idea there might be a better way!

Ooooo, definitely time for us to get the hell outta Dodge, ain't it? Sorry phoaks, thread creep, rant, and all...
