The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75634   Message #2748899
Posted By: BrujaHa
20-Oct-09 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Living Singers of Traditional Ballads - N. America
Subject: RE: Living Singers of Traditional Ballads - N. America
Howdy - just found this thread. I've had the pleasure of singing with a couple of trad sing-n-eat gatherings at peoples' houses around the greater SF Bay area, including the group Sharyn Dimmick mentions. It's a wonderful, and free, way to further the art form. Similarly, Ed Silberman runs an informal eve of "sing, say or play" which isn't centered on, but does heartily welcome, long bleak ballads.

I would like to add to this list of ballad lovers the amazing harmony singer Arlene Immerman, Peter Kasin, Riggy Rackin, Brigid Herron, and myself, Tina Fields. I'll be leading song again at the Queer Contradance Camp in Monte Toyon, CA next April 2010, and some trad ballads will be featured in the singalong mix.