The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124465   Message #2749238
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
21-Oct-09 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Old Cemeteries
Subject: RE: BS: Old Cemeteries
I've only spent time in 3 cemeteries - all part of Australia's history.

Norfolk Island - settled 1788 by a party from the first British settlement in Sydney, still in use.

Old Goulburn cemetery - first cemetery in Australia's oldest inland city, in use c.1822-1959. Local children visit & leave soft toys on children's graves.
The cemetery is behind Goulburn jail, the highest security jail in Australia & home of many of our most notorious murderers.

Rookwood Cemetery - Sydney's largest cemetery - still in use.
My father's parents were buried there & I eventually found their graves - she was buried in a double plot on the outside edge of the Anglican section, he was buried about 15 years later with his mother on the opposite edge of the Catholic area, instead of beside her. Dunno why, he wasn't a catholic.
I didn't have a camera when I visited maybe 20 years ago & am planning to visit again one day soonish with camera.

I'd also like to visit Woronora Cemetery where my mother's family are buried.

Info on Sydney's early burials & cemeteries
