The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124481   Message #2749329
Posted By: Gervase
21-Oct-09 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: The new leaked BNP membership list
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
He gets an honourable mention in Nick Griffin's own blog:
After the interview we head off to a local meeting near Basingstoke. This is, by old rights, prime Tory and more recently UKIP territory, but Roger and his team are making big inroads. Around 100 people pack the function room of a centuries'-old local pub. A couple of local journalists have been invited (we get very fair write-ups subsequently) and all goes well. The landlord is quoted as saying we weren't what he expected (in a good way!) After the meeting one of our Surrey characters, 'Mark ye Morris' gets out his squeezebox and rattles off a few traditional tunes. I'm told that a mobile video of him and me doing "The Man Who Waters The Workers' Beer" will go up on You-tube. The growth of this instant, do-it-yourself media has to be this year's technological surprise and, yet again, shows new technologies undermining old monopolies.