The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124481   Message #2749342
Posted By: Ruth Archer
21-Oct-09 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: The new leaked BNP membership list
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
I would reiterate that this is the same person who kept posting disruptive, pro-BNP messages on the Facebook FAF site. When these messages were removed (as the page did not exist as a platform for BNP apologists but as a place for people with similar concerns to share information) he posted increasingly goading messages in places where they could not be removed. I eventially disabled the Wall pretty much because of him. Which was probably his intention, to be honest, because the BNP seem to think theirs is the only free speech that matters, and seek to subvert and stifle any oppposing voices whenever they can.

He is also not simply listed on the leaked membership roll as a member of the BNP - he is listed as an activist. There is a significant difference. I wonder whether his "activism" includes trying to co-opt/subvert folk music and dance.

These are the reasons he interests me.