The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124465   Message #2749425
Posted By: Rapparee
21-Oct-09 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Old Cemeteries
Subject: RE: BS: Old Cemeteries
Properly installed stones don't fall unless "acted upon by some outside force." Tell the Council to go do something useful.

My great-uncle was Sexton for several cemeteries for many years. For a while he had a problem with teenagers sneaking in long after dark, sometimes toppling stones but usually for, ah, co-educational activities. One night he lay in wait behind a large stone and the expected couples arrived around midnight. "Oh, tee hee," giggled one of the girls, "suppose we see a ghost?"

Up popped my great-uncle, roaring, "I'll ghost you, you sonuvabitch!"

Following this statement my uncle was again alone with the dead, some of whom could, I understand, be heard giggling underground.