The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24206   Message #274960
Posted By: Peter T.
10-Aug-00 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Dear Dr. Folkenmusik
Subject: RE: BS: Dear Dr. Folkenmusik
Dear Disheartened,
Ze real answer to your qvuestion requires a brief excursion into the world of subatomic physics and current cosmological superstring theories. If you conceive of the universe as being four dimensional, with time being the extra dimension, then imagine a series of further dimensionalities which in our world are collapsed into waves and particles, but which in the subatomic realm lengthen out into strings, currently estimated to be between 10 and 13 dimensions. Cosmologically, the breaking of symmetry -- notionally the set of strings that are at the basis of physical laws -- precipitates the asymmetrical equations that lead to the creation of life (entropy is a symmetrical string break).
THEREFORE, if your strings didn't break, there would be no possibility of music or life itself.
Or chicks. Or death -- but zose are ze breaks!! (physics humour!!!!!!).

abend! Herr Doktor Folkenmusik (Wittenberg Prep)