The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124515   Message #2750057
22-Oct-09 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: That 'Oh Bugger' Moment
Subject: BS: That 'Oh Bugger' Moment
Its happened to me twice recently. Something happens that quite literally stops you dead in your tracks, and you know that for that moment there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

First after sorting the white washing, and some of it was brand new, I standing having a nice cup of tea watching the washing going round in the machine, then I spot something mixed in, not only is it coloured - its black!

Another was when I was in a tearing hurry to be somewhere, and I'm standing at the garage and realise I have a 'petrol' pump in my hand, and my car uses diesel!

Those are 'oh bugger' moments. Anyone else suffer from them!