The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24225   Message #275224
Posted By: Jeri
10-Aug-00 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Insomniacs.....
Subject: RE: Mudcat Insomniacs.....
What's really weird is calling Hawaii from Korea, and having to remember that although Hawaii is 5 hrs later than Korea, it's the day before. (I kept trying to call an office on Mon, and it was still Sun in Hawaii.)

Air force crew members routinely set their watches to GMT and mentally add or subtract an appropriate number of hours for wherever they are. Don't ask them "what time is it" - they'll ask "where."

I'm unemployed at the moment, and my sleep schedule keeps creeping later and later. Unfortunately, right before bed I usually decide to make sure I haven't missed anything on Mudcat, so I'm on for an our later than when I decided to pack it in.


Oh, have you seen the 'Cat me darlin'?
One more thread!
The forum's where it's at me darlin',
One more thread!

cho: Only one more thread, me darlin'
One more thread!
Oh, rock and roll me over,
One more thread!

Morticia, just out of curiousity, did any of the suggestions work?