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Thread #124570   Message #2753264
Posted By: Peace
26-Oct-09 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: Rebel Flag meaning
Subject: RE: Rebel Flag meaning
As a btw, the song fragment I quoted is one I wrote about Canada. People were trumpeting the glories of this country while flags were used to rip the place apart. I happen to agree that people will 'take what they want' from symbols. Flags are but one of those symbols. All too often people wrap themselves in it and go forth perceiving that because their flag is at the forefront of the latest charge that things are ipso facto right with the world. Much too often and much too freguently that is another way for rich folks to send poor folks kids off to wars that mean bugger all because they never meant a damned thing to begin with. Just some armaments manufacturer's way of making a buck.

We know today that WWI was a useless cause. So too was Vietnam, imo. I do NOT from that deduce that the soldiers who went were malicious, evil people. I will follow MY flag when it is right to do so. IMO, what makes me a patriot is doing just that. And if the day comes that I refuse, I will go to jail. I will support my country when it is right, not just because it is 'right' to support my country. If I misunderstood the slant of your post, my apologies.