The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24814 Message #2753451
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Dudley
27-Oct-09 - 04:20 AM
Thread Name: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
Subject: RE: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
This is also a favourite of dear old Bob Lewis. We always asked him to sing it at the extremely alcoholic singarounds at the White Horse Sutton and were convulsed with laughter at the ridiculous imagery every single time. The same with the late-lamented Ron Spicer with his "The goose and the gander walked over the green, the goose she went barefoot for fear of being seen" - he was never allowed home until he'd sung that one.
There was an ancient joke about a boxing glove and a pound of liver but I think it better not to venture into such waters. I'm sure it has no relevance to the song in question....