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Thread #124618   Message #2753641
Posted By: theleveller
27-Oct-09 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
"Thanks folks - I note the question I asked went unanswered - but then I never expected that it would. "

I'm not sure whether you did or didn't expect a reply, but the reason no-one has could be that it is simply a stupid question. To start with, you make the assumption that there is a justification for having a database of largely innocent people going about their lawful business. Explain how you justify that assumption. Nor do I accept your premise that there is a threat that merits the means used and proposed in future legislation. "Terror" and "extremists" are words that are being peddled as excuses for introducing the most draconian measures ever to curb the basic freedom of the individual. These are more stringent than any seen before in the UK, even during the Irish troubles and World War 2. Are you saying that we are in more danger now than we were then? Or have you just lapped up, without question, the drivel that the government has been pushing out? I suggest you read the book I recommended above, then come back and put forward a cohesive argument. But, of course, I don't expect that you will.

The thing that is doing the population of this country the most harm is the exponential erosion of our basic freedoms - something that terrorists cannot achieve alone, but which the government's reaction to the perceived threat has. If I were a terrorist, I'd say that I was achieving my aims.