The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124618   Message #2754337
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Oct-09 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
"Thanks folks - I note the question I asked went unanswered"
As did mine to you - on the other hand, I didn;t expect a reply from someone who appears to agree with the not-quite-late-lamented Maggie that everyone who doesn't agree with her is "The Enemy Within".
"who likewise does not "even have the courtesy to spell my name correctly"
Would that be Fred Teribus (I seem to having a slanging match before over your deliberately using a mispelling of my (real - not pseud) name as a feebly attempted insult - or is my memory playing tricks?
Jim Carroll