The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24198   Message #275436
Posted By: rangeroger
10-Aug-00 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Subject: RE: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Went to the library today and checked out the Clive Cussler book "The Sea Hunters." Simon and Schuster 1996.

LEJ, Cussler says there were 3 submarines. The first was called the Pioneer and was designed by James McClintock with backing by Horace Hunley and Baxter Watson.When Farragut captured New Orleans, Hunley ordered the Pioneer scuttled to keep her out of Union hands.
This, supposedly, is the one in Jackson Square.Cussler says the size and shape do not match contemporary eyewitness accounts, however.

The second one was Pioneer II, or also American Diver.She sank in Mobile Bay during a squall.

Hunley then built the 3rd one with McClintock as advisor. Te Confederate Navy commandeered th vessel and promptly sank it, killing 5.

It was recovered and then sank again. killing Hunley and 7 others. It was once more recovered, and then went on to sink the USS Housatonic.

There was a story that went around New Orleans that " the Hunley would sink at a moment's notice and sometimes without it."
