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Thread #124618   Message #2754626
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
29-Oct-09 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
"The decision to remove our basic rights to freedom of expression/free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to privacy (which you apparently hold quite dear by making an issue of the misspelling of your pseudonym).... and all the other rights and freedoms that come with democracy, is ultimately a political one."

Well let's see shall we:

1. "Am I prepared to put these rights and freedoms in the hands of Pinochet's friend, or Gordon Brown, or John Major, or Tony Blair (he of the illegal invasion of Iraq)..... or any other bent or incompetent politician......? No, I am not - are you?"

From what you say above they are already in the hands of "bent and incompetent politicians" - you have no say about it whatsoever apart from how you vote at each election.

2. If as you say decisions realting to your rights and freedoms are ultimately political all your references to the police and security forces are all red herrings, all irrelevant.

You still have not answered my question.

Richard Bridge asked me:

"I hope, teribus, that you have direct and reliable evidence that Bryn Pugh did dip hatpins in shit and stick them in police horses, for unless you have it is pretty close to undoubtedly actionably defamatory of a lawyer, and may have consequences."

Well Richard would the man's own admission be good enough?? Trawl through his posts and you will find it. You will also find posts of mine where I took him to task for it and then in the same thread you will find Jim Carroll's posts leaping to his friends defence.

Back to the thread - do I feel that the UK is a Police State? No and those who say it is should go and experience life in a Police State they would then be able to tell the difference.

Any takers for handing in their Passports because they are a form of identification that infringes your persoanl rights? - NAW, I thought not.

Odd that with al this chatter about Police States and personal rights and freedoms that no-one has mentioned the Lisbon Treaty/European Constitution - you know the one that ZANULabour promised to give us a referendum on - if you want to see your rights and freedoms stripped away just back your present Government and keep quiet about it, meekly accept rule from a bunch of non-elected commissars from Brussels - with Tony Blair as their President - Absolutely Priceless.