The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124618   Message #2754664
Posted By: Folkiedave
29-Oct-09 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
Slight thread drift. I had an argument with authorities at Manchester Airport Station and I know I was telling the truth and that they were lying.

Remarkably when I asked for the CCTV films which would have completely exonerated me and shown them to be liars, their lawyer first of all said they didn't control he CCTV tapes and they were contolled by MAnchester AIrport. Fortunately I had a letter from Manchester Airport stating exactly the opposite. Then they said they were only used at times of heightened security and when this was shown to be untrue said they were simply not switched on at the time.

Remember the police lie. Only when they can demonstrably shown to be telling a lie do they admit the facts. And if they get chance they will stick to their version of events even when all the evidence shows them to be wrong. Too many people died (or spent long times in prison) when the police already had evidence that they didn't do it.

They tried all sorts of lies to exonerate themselves over the death of Ian Tomlinson including saying that some demonstrators may have been dressed as police officers.

I live near Hillsborough. Remember the tapes there which showed what had happened in direct contradiction to the police version? They disappeared.

Jean Charles Menendez - an innocent man - was shot in front of lots of people by a police officer. So even when they have the intelligence they still get it wrong.

Remember the TV pictures of the miners strike at Orgreave which showed the miners stoning the police and then police charging the picket lines? And in court was found to be a reversal of the truth. And all those arrested were acquitted?

The difference between us Teribus comes down to the fact that you seem to invariably believe the police and I don't.

And that's why I believe they should have as little power as is necessary to maintain a democratic society.