The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124709   Message #2755712
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
30-Oct-09 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hollantide Greetings
Subject: RE: BS: Hollantide Greetings
There is only one Goddess, JM, albeit She is worshipped - honoured, if you prefer - under many different names.

In England, She might be Andrasta - the Hare Goddess - becaus in these Islands the Hare is the shape-shifter.

In Wales, She might be ArianRhod - the Silver Wheel (and the connections with the Moon are, it is thought, patent) ; In Ireland (and I am not sure of my ground, here !) She might be Eriu.

Please do not misunderstand that which I write next : some chritians use the term 'pagan' - with or without a capital - to describe those who do not believe in the god of the christians. However : all gods are one god - there can be but

one Creator, and the honouring of the said Creator is up to the individual.

May I refer you, gently, to the previous thread "the god thread to end all god threads". I posted "worship your gods in your own way. Should your way be different from mine, who am I to criticise ?".

If you, JM, wish to use the term 'pagan' to denote those who, like me, do not worship the god of the christians ; then, speaking only for myself, I do not have a problem with this.

There are those - and I am sure you are not one of these - who will use the term 'pagan' as a pejorative. Much we care.

May She who was, is, and shall be, smile ever on you, and on those whom you love. So Mote it Be.

Kindest regards, Bryn