The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124618   Message #2755749
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
30-Oct-09 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
The Police State has been with us for years. I've been trying to tell folks that, telling them that their children are put on a register from the day they're born to the age of 18 (and who knows if beyond)...and there their 'records' (???) can be accessed by police, teachers, medical staff, social workers etc....but not the parents or the children. Any child considered 'at risk' has a flag beside their name. My son does....because...he is home educated. (double ???)

We have been living in Orwell's 1984 for many years now. However, it's taken until now for many people to start waking up to that fact.

This is NOT the country my Dad went to war to protect, to fight to his last breath for. It has become a Country of Control, where we are watched on every street corner, monitored all the time, even getting a library card, here in Torbay, now requires two forms of identification, as does signing on with a new doctor.

So very often now, you ring up to find something out, and you are asked your name, birth date, national insurance number, address..etc..etc....Some places won't even deal with you unless you give them your National Insurance Number first...(triple ????)

Still, never's Friday night again...and it's time for the Proles to Party, while the police watch and the politicians rub their alcohol un-free hands together, spreading more germs of discontent, as their 'people' drink themselves into yet another stupor, dumbed down and sozzled out for yet one more evening...just as they used to be in Russia...still are.

The Let's Party Party has done it's job well.....

Bring back Dixon of Dock Green, eh?

Too late, my luvvies.....too late....

And Winston thought oh so silently to himself...

"Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death. I have committed even before setting pen to paper the essential crime that contains all others unto itself." (taken from '1984' by George Orwell)

And if The Police are out there....I am soooooooo ready to start La Revolucion that I could even talk you tough guys into joining me..