The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124570   Message #2756123
Posted By: Bobert
30-Oct-09 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: Rebel Flag meaning
Subject: RE: Rebel Flag meaning
We sang "Dixie" as well in school... We also sang "Old Black Joe"... The Confederate flag was used at lots of high school football games...

But then again this was much different time in terms of our history...

I'd like to think that we have come a long way since those days... And most of us have... There are always holdouts who will go to their graves thinking that white people are the superior race... Problem is that these holdouts are still teaching their kids the same prejudges and hatreds... I guess if being a bigot is one's heritage then these folks are half right when they say "Heritage, Not Hate"... Problem is that it is hate... Just as swastika represents hate...

No I think the folks who defend these symbols had eductaed people in their ranks they might be able to present a better case... But that is not the case... The haters are the least educated... And the least employed... And the least motivated to be good citizens...

Very sad commentary on our country to have folks who are so steeped in hatred of others because of their race or choic of religion... Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry is...... No two ways about it...
