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Thread #124618   Message #2756402
Posted By: Backwoodsman
31-Oct-09 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK: Police State
Subject: RE: BS: UK: Police State
"Backwoodsman - Address the incidents I have cited - everything else is evasion - or are you claiming I made them up, or that somehow they are justified?
Jim Carroll"

I'm claiming nothing, Jim, other than that you gave us an example of a crime committed against members of a specific section of the community (whose cause you support, loudly and almost to the point of hysteria) by their terrified victim, whilst ignoring the crime they themselves (being demonstrably 'Career-Criminals) were in the process of committing (and, reportedly, repeating) against that terrified person.

Jim, you make a very great many claims which are totally unsupported, other than by your own words - along the lines of "When I was with them..." or "I saw it myself". Anecdotal evidence, Jim, unsupported and unverifiable. And unbalanced.

And the issue I mention above, put into the context of all of your other unsupported, unverifiable, anecdotal evidence, unfortunately gives an impression of someone prepared to use any distortion to "prove" his points and pursue his own political agenda, whilst loudly and aggressively denying that there's 'another side' (as there always is, of course). So no, I'm not saying you're a liar Jim, but you appear very much to be in your own little world of Denial Of True Fact - of admission that there is 'another side' to the problems that exist between Travellers, the Non-Travelling community, and the agents of The Authorities.

Jim, I'm aware, from the many years I spent as a Youth-Worker, working with (amongst others) teenage children of Travellers who came to live on the Travellers' Site in our town, that they themselves are often the victims of hate, and of hate-driven crime, and I've had to deal with those issues on more than one occasion. I'm also very aware indeed (and carry the mental bruises, if not still the physical injuries) that they have their own culture and their own Codes, and sometimes this culture and these Codes don't sit easily with the Non-Traveller vast majority. And, perhaps understandably, these differences of culture and Behaviour Codes are the cause of fear amongst those who don't understand them, and the people they represent.

But Jim, one thing's as sure as Hell - you won't convince anyone of the scale of injustices committed against Travellers, by screaming and ranting, and making one-sided, biased, unbalanced claims against the Non-Traveller community and the agents and representatives of Authority, whilst carefully ignoring 'the other side'.

Balance and Reason, Jim. Far more persuasive than one-sided screaming and ranting, however loudly thou dost protest.

That's it. I'm sure you won't agree and, as I've got a real life to pursue, it's my last one.
Best wishes.