The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124701   Message #2756438
Posted By: Edthefolkie
31-Oct-09 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Robin Hood ' 1950s TV Theme
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Robin Hood ' 1950s TV Theme
Young Buchan, that's a great story even if it is urban myth. Sounds pretty accurate though - my oldest friend, who is a splendid organist, would have done exactly the same thing, never having heard of Bryan Adams. Serve 'em right anyway, what's wrong with "Here comes the bride, forty inches wide"?

They used to play the intro (horn bit, arrow flight, plunk) and some of the theme on the PA at Nottingham Forest's City Ground when the teams came out. This was over 30 years ago - has it survived? I know the creative types used to sing "Brian Clough, Brian Clough, riding through the glen" etc.