The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124709   Message #2756502
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
31-Oct-09 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hollantide Greetings
Subject: RE: BS: Hollantide Greetings
I'm staying away from other threads that discuss religion and politics, but this might be a good place to share a conversation I had with Micca on the drive from my place to Bat Goddess and Curmudgeon's. He's an active, practicing Wiccan, and I was sharing how I didn't really subscribe to any "ism", but believe that "IT" is too big to categorize. I feel most at home in the woods and in nature. Micca said "Of course! You're a hedge witch!"

I still don't believe in categorizing myself, but a light went on when he said that. It probably explains why I grieve when I pass the garish, plastic Halloween displays with grinning, goofy ghosts and "witches" with pointy hats and purple stockings...
Why don't they just look at the bones of the trees that are newly revealed in the dimming light?

So, thanks, Micca, and blessings to all as the days grow shorter and we gather closer to the fire inside.