The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2757102
Posted By: Alice
31-Oct-09 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
The kids in our neighborhood have all grown up, so I will have to wait for the next crop of babies to be old enough to trick or treat in a few years. I am ready with some treats, but so far no one has come to the door.

I recall a Halloween when I was about ten years old. We were in eastern Montana, about 300 miles from our home in Helena, western Montana, visiting an aunt and uncle in the little town of Roundup.

I was the only child young enough to trick or treat, and was sad that I might miss it, so we came up with a costume of some kind and my dad drove me down the hill to a few houses near my aunt's. I went up to the door and said "trick or treat". The man asked, "Where did you come from?" I said, "Helena". He jumped back in shock and called everyone to the door to see the trick or treater who came all the way from Helena.