The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2757169
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
31-Oct-09 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
We ended up getting 104 kids... a major drop off from recent years when we've had more than 200. The best thing was that early in the evening the rain held off, so most of the really little kids had a chance to go trick or treating. The first kids were a little later this year, around 6:15 or so, and around 8:15 it started raining hard and the streets cleared off.

Anyone want 140 pieces of candy?

And, welcome to the table, Mickey Man.

My first year living in New York City I bought a lot of candy and popcorn balls figuring at least the kids in my apartment complex would come to the door. Not a single kid came, so I went out on the street, armed with popcorn balls and candy. There were kids sitting on the stoop, but they' wouldn't take any of the candy. Probably figured I was some sort of pervert. When I offered the candy to kids on the street they said, "Naw, man... give us money!"

Where have all the flowers gone?
