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Thread #119159   Message #2757916
Posted By: Amos
02-Nov-09 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
..."Gibbs had some back up from retired Army Gen. Paul Eaton, who oversaw the training of the Iraqi military in 2003-2004:
The record is clear: Dick Cheney and the Bush administration were incompetent war fighters. They ignored Afghanistan for 7 years with a crude approach to counter-insurgency warfare best illustrated by: 1. Deny it. 2. Ignore it. 3. Bomb it. While our intelligence agencies called the region the greatest threat to America, the Bush White House under-resourced our military efforts, shifted attention to Iraq, and failed to bring to justice the masterminds of September 11.

    The only time Cheney and his cabal of foreign policy 'experts' have anything to say is when they feel compelled to protect this failed legacy. While President Obama is tasked with cleaning up the considerable mess they left behind, they continue to defend torture or rewrite a legacy of indifference on Afghanistan. Simply put, Mr. Cheney sees history throughout extremely myopic and partisan eyes. " NYT