The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124778   Message #2758108
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Nov-09 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Close Calls
Subject: RE: BS: Close Calls
In northern Pennsylvania they are drilling for gas. Drilling equipment is concentrated in areas (currently right were I live ^%@%$#@^$@#^@#) which means large trucks hauling either equipment, fresh water or residual waste are all over these back roads. Dirt roads. Fairly narrow dirt roads. I went to get the mail the other day and a residual waste water truck came barrel assing over the hill, clearly speeding and damn near ran me over (if there had been a tractor going up over the hill, the farmer would have been chance to move over when stuff is coming at them that fast). They drive down the middle of these small country roads and rarely move over for anyone. I hate them.
