The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124798 Message #2758510
Posted By: Fergie
03-Nov-09 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: Brian O'Rourke CD: Chantal ....
Subject: RE: Brian O'Rourke CD: Chantal ....
Ah YES, at last. Me tape wore out years ago.
Oh, one night in a bar I was having a jar, When me destiny did beckon For a vision burst in on top of me thirst And flattened me pint in a second Twas a lady fair with short blond hair And her beauty would shame all queens With her glistening lips and her twisting hips And her schlim fittin' Levi jeans.
I schlid offa me stool, observed me first rule I checked me flies and me fawn-ya And got ready for a story of glitter and glory Like Diarmuid agus Grainne Well me opening line was "howya sunshine", "how's it going? me name is John" And with a toss of her head this Goddess said "I'm Chantal De Champignon"