The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24198   Message #275856
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Aug-00 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Subject: RE: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Thanks to all for the great info on the Hunley.

Those men should indeed be given full military honors and their coffins draped with the Confederate flag. I say this as a Canadian.

All soldiers of all armies deserve the same honor. They all believed they were defending their homes, their families, and their nation. Why else would they risk their lives in a floating coffin?

I'm sure, however, there will be a whole lot of clever and highly paid lawyers who think otherwise, and they'll raise sheer bloody hell over it. Wait and see. A pox on all of them.