The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2758960
Posted By: akenaton
03-Nov-09 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Hi fans...been working late!

Don.. so now members who don't share your views are "trolls"..very convenient!

1 These creatures were homosexuals and paedophiles. They also were members of a larger ring several of whom have been already sentenced.
2 The race or nationality of either has no bearing on their sexual behaviour.
3 Mr Peekstock styles himself a "heterosexual homosexual activist", he is supported by many of the knee jerk "liberals" here.

Sinsull.. these people were only sentenced on 30th Oct. The story was carried on the main pages of the Times (not an "obscure" story) and had not come to my attention before.

Good to see you back, your input is always original and welcome.

No one is suggesting that "all homosexuals are paedophiles", but the ever increasing number of cases of sexual abuse of young boys by adult male homosexuals does point to a possible propensity in that direction.
Any study of homosexual history will show abuse of young boys was common an certainly not frowned upon.

Susan..many of my friends are HUMAN....none are PAEDOPHILES.

As usual,with a few exceptions, contributers to this thread are more concerned with saving the face of homosexual paedophiles than with the abused children or their families....enough said!

Mr McGrath.. as you know, we do not always agree on this forum, but I respect you as one of the most reasoning members here.
You have gone straight to the crux of why I opened this thread
"The complicating factor is that the man involved had been an extremely highly regarded activist on behalf of gay rights."
That fact in itself surely opens the door for a discussion on homosexuality and a possible propensity to paedophilia, or would such a discussion be forbidden by the "thought police"

The case of the care nurse who took pictures of herself abusing children in her care, although disgusting, appears to be a red herring, as these women seem to have be under the influence/ control of a man.......It is EXTREMELY rare to find a case of a woman sexually abusing young children...Ake