The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124660   Message #2759030
Posted By: Slag
03-Nov-09 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pronunciation of ph, th, sh words
Subject: RE: BS: Pronunciation of ph, th, sh words
Name your Shibboleth (or that Sibboleth?). I've always liked phthalo blue (or bleu) as a color but someone above already beat mi two the punch wif phenolphthalein whitch is the chemical carrier for the stayne.

The fox walks on rocks,
Hunting Aux as does the soaring hawks.

copyright 2002

I was surprised when I met Father Nick Meletis in Bakersfield California and heard the Greek language spoken correctly for the first time. Wow! the "p" in psi is actually pronounced as are all the consonants, contrary to popular English cum American pronunciations.

The fact that English language is so adept at picking up bits of other languages on a wholesale basis means that it also picks up some of the rules of foreign grammar and spelling.   Have you ever heard the Pidgin (or is that "piggon"?) English? Now THERE is a wonder to behold!