The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2759225
Posted By: GUEST,Joxer
04-Nov-09 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
From the Irish Times Saturday October 3rd:

"COMHALTAS CEOLTÓIRÍ Éireann has come under the spotlight of the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in a report titled Funding Review of the Development Programme of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann . The report, writes Siobhán Long , examines the State's funding of the Comhaltas development programme between 2005 and 2009.

Controversy surrounded the decision taken by the Comhaltas ardchomhairle in February 2008 to expel its 400-strong Clontarf branch, known as Craobh Cluain Tarbh, alleging irregularities in relation to a VAT refund in the period when the Clontarf branch was managing the building of the flagship Clasac traditional arts centre on Alfie Byrne Road. Clasac includes a 250-seat auditorium, a recording studio, an archive/library, an intimate performance space and two bars. Comhaltas also alleged that the local branch had amassed a €2 million overspend on its €9 million budget.

In a press statement, Comhaltas welcomed the findings of the report, in particular in relation to its handling of the controversial Clasac centre. Comhaltas highlighted the report's findings that "the State's investment was appropriately administered and that programme expenditure was properly incurred and properly controlled" and that "the Comhaltas ardchomhairle has fulfilled its taxation obligations in a full and proper manner in relation to the Comhaltas development programme". Comhaltas claimed that "it has been totally vindicated in relation to the Clontarf branch issue".

For its part, Craobh Cluain Tarbh also welcomed the report, and in particular the statement that "it would be in the best interests of the Comhaltas development programme that the members of the dissolved Clontarf branch were actively involved in the usage and development of the Clasac centre".

However, Craobh Cluain Tarbh claims that, despite the report's recommendation that a mediator be appointed to bring the feuding sides together, Comhaltas has refused to engage in any mediation, citing its own constitution as a bar to such a process.

In fact, the substance of the report is at variance with Comhaltas HQ's response, as it states that failure to rebuild bridges with the expelled branch is likely to have serious consequences for Clasac's future: "It is incumbent on the organisation to ensure that whatever measures are required to resolve it are taken, whether this involves mediation or otherwise."

Despite plans to develop Clasac as a linchpin in Comhaltas's network of regional centres, Clasac's website lists a total of just five concerts in the period from October 2008 to October 2009, so it seems that intervention may be needed if this €9million centre isn't to become a highly visible white elephant, a bloated bequest of the Celtic Tiger." - The Irish Times

When you read between the lines of this government report, it seems to be extremely critical of Comhaltas and it's failure to resolve this issue.
Does anybody know if there have been any attempts by Comhaltas to start mediation to end this stand-off?