The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124813 Message #2759389
Posted By: The Sandman
04-Nov-09 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Ralph Stanley Banjo
Subject: RE: Ralph Stanley Banjo
are thereany players that employ a system like thisfor melody playing,ring covers 1,middle covers two ,index covers three and possibly four,or index 3,thumb covers 4 and 5. the disadvantage being double thumbing is not possible when playing melody on 4,but this could be overcome by playing 4 with index. so is the idea in bluegrass that a melody note is always followed by another note generally but not necessarily on a different string,to create a flowing sound. the ring is obviously a weaker finger[but surely it can be strengthened],but this sytem I find much easier because its what i use on guitar for finger picking.