The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24198   Message #275941
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Aug-00 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Subject: RE: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
I understand your concerns, Whistle Stop...

I would still be inclined to honor all those who fell, regardless of what side they were on.

As for people being dead, I don't believe anyone dies. They just leave the body behind, that's all. If these men were given a funeral now, I believe their spirits would most likely stop by to have a good look and might feel somewhat gratified at having received mention for their courageous efforts in the worldly adventure story.

I do not in any way support slavery or racism.

To honor the fallen of one side in no way dishonors the fallen of the other side. Not ever.

Most people are easily fooled by media and government propaganda and social custom. The southerners who fought for the Confederacy were just as well-intentioned in a general sense as soldiers of any other cause. In their minds they were fighting for their homes, their wives, their children, their livelihood, their sovereignty, and their entire way of life.

Were they wrong to support slavery? Yes. Like I said, people are easily fooled by common propaganda.

I anticipate that there will be much controversy raised over this issue, however, and that is most unfortunate.

Political correctness is a virulent form of fascism that is much in style these days. One form of prejudice condemning another is what political correctness is.

As for the groups you allude to who would like to resurrect the "racist past"...yes, they should not be encouraged, so I appreciate your concern about that. No one said it would be easy dealing with these things. It never is.

We are certainly in partial agreement, anyway.