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Thread #124364   Message #2761311
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish, still too tired to log in..
07-Nov-09 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: England My England
Subject: RE: England My England
If those concerned had bothered to look at the Amazing Change link I posted above...they'd have seen that slavery is now more abundant than Paul has so eloquently pointed out above.

The Amazing Change grew out of the thoughs and beliefs of William Wilberforce, who is now inspiring a whole new generation of young people to make a difference.   We should be proud that William was English...and his name should be mentioned right alongside slavery, at each and every opportunity, to show that far from being a land of tyrannical oppressors, as the far left would have people believe, we are a land of brave souls too, many of whom will stand up in the face of terrible adversity to fight for what is their whole lives to that cause.   It still goes on today...

My country is NOT bad...and I deeply object to those who try to portray it as such.

Diane, Pinner is in Middlesex, or used to be, unless they've changed the goal posts. It did NOT come under London..nor was it a heaving blob of 'erbun kultcha'....I lived there from babyhood to adulthood, so if you don't mind, I know it one helluva lot better than you do.

Dave, I've Spanish blood in me, even having 'de Torres' in my name.

So what?

It is England that flows through me.

It is England that is my home.

It is England that I love.

It is England that I am proud of.

I remember watching Churchill's funeral, so I'm sorry, but he too is very much a part of my England. We each have our own England I guess, but mine is not just stuck in the present, it incorporates the past right alongside the present and the future...and I will not have anyone tell me that Today's England is nothing to do with Yesterday's England, because it has EVERYTHING to do with it.

There are many things in the past that we have let go, many precious things, and it is to our detriment. Those things can be brought back again. I have always believed that you should carry the best from the past into the present, and protect them, carry them forward for the future.

I will not let the Extreme Left bully me into their way of thinking, their vision of England. England belongs to us all, of all faiths, all colours, all backgrounds.