The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124624   Message #2761424
Posted By: GUEST,The Doctor with no need to prescribe happy p
07-Nov-09 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
Friday night.....
Always a good night, but as described by The Enterer this one started brilliantly, continued brilliantly and ended brilliantly! In the very succinct words of great literary merit (just like the words of The Play).... WOW!
We met at the Cheshire Midland in Hale to don our alter egos and, with Sam Smith's in hand, met quite a few folk who all seemed very enthusiastic about what we were doing, including one young lad whose father does a trad play in Cornwall and another who had studied trad plays and similar drama at Salford University.... perhaps these omens boded well...
Off for the first performance to The Greyhound at Ashley, where we have often been met with enthusiasm....Stunning crowd this year, a pretty full pub with a big party entertaining an Australian near the entry door. They all joined in with cheering and I doubt he's seen anything like that entertainment in Oz! Generous as well as we went round with the hats and dripping pan. Beelzebub managed to nick a good pint... from an unaware Landlord propping up his own bar! This is probably a first and a very welcome departure from the norm. He took it in good part too and was very interested in The Play.
Leaving such a successful venue is difficult but leave we did to venture to the Malt Shovels in Altrincham. Good audience here, not quite so busy but attentive and cheerful. Nice ales supped again and good to see a 'Town Pub' doing so well.
Up the lane to The Market Tavern where what can only be described as a boisterous crowd met us in bewilderment! Difficult to play as it was pretty noisy, but we drew the folk in and they were very generous towards the end. We apologise to the young boy who was scared out of his wits by the entry of Dick, T'Hoss, but can only suggest an earlier bed time. Perhaps in years to come, when the memory of last night's nightmares have receded, he will be back to enjoy the performances after 2020.... And more ale supped....
Leaving Altrincham in our wake and by now in full cry, loving every minute of the best night so far of this year's performances, we moved to The Quarry Bank in Timperley.
We were met by some friends just leaving, who, when asking the staff when we were expected, had found total denial of our imminent arrival.... They went back in, and we followed lustily into a great welcome! Busy pub, lots of laughter before we got there, lots of noise... but what a venue for us! Pulled the crowd in, performed at our very best, apart from the Doctor who muffed his lines a bit when confronted by some rather attractive dumplings just after uttering the line about paving roads, and great applause at the end. A triumph! And very generous again.... and more ale supped....
Then, finally, to what appears sometimes to be our spiritual home, The Railway in Hale. Rammed to the doors, the Enterer literally "making way" for the merry actors to come in... Why this place is so good is hard to fathom. Hardly anyone can hear or see us but they love it!! A great performance again, at full vocal throttle, and great response from the furthest corners of the pub. Then The Driver took over the fund-raising by singing, shall we say here, some risque songs to some darlings in the crowd... and raising we reckon here , some £60 extra for Multiple Sclerosis!! Terrific to see, terrific to hear (?!)and the end of a Wonderful Night. We find today that we raised an all-time nightly record collection (all for MS)of nearly £400... and enjoyed every minute of the night. Memories will last long.
One thought: King George, hero bold, champion of champions, struggles these days to be mobile (due to wearing armour too long I guess), but give him a Turkish Champion to fight and he is up there with the greats!
Onwards to today's Day Out... and do not miss the last thrilling instalment of The Play, Tonight, 2100 hrs, The Saracen's Head, Warburton. The Play, the chat, the fun, the laughter, the session, the songs.... Un-missable... and not on BBC i-player.