The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2762039
Posted By: Lox
08-Nov-09 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
"Never ever let them take away your voice, no matter how small or lonely it may sound......only then will we have freedom.....Ake"

Instead, if anyone disagrees with you, call them a liberal fascist and pigeon hole them.

This way you don't have to engage in any meaningful or useful way and it also means that you don't have to bother backing up your views, no matter how unsupported or untenable they might be.

Ake, when someone shows your arguments up to be nonsense that isn't taking your freedom of speech.

For you to spend hours every day writing whatever you like in a public forum and then to complain that somebody is somehow inhibiting your freedom of speech is farcical.

Furthermore, it is insulting to people who actually don't have freedom of speech.

Your problem is that your arguments are full of holes, incapable of evolving, and easy to tear down.

And you don't like it when people draw attention to just how much rubbish you spout.

Noone here has ever told you to be quiet or attempted to curtail your freedom of speech in any way.

All they have done is expose you for who you really are.

And calling people names and playing the victim are a pathetic attempt to paper over te cracks.