The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2762174
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
08-Nov-09 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
The bill is full of bandaids and special interest additions such as no funding for abortions, etc. Some 1500 pages of bumff.
The senate will take a long time to untangle it and integrate with their own bill.
Thirty-eight Democrats joined a united Republican opposition, and came close to derailing the bill (I don't count cloud niners such as Kucinch, all he offers is comic relief when serious consideration is needed).
The Democrats will be very lucky if they get a bill through Congress this session; the next is shaping up to have a majority in opposition. To get the bill through both houses will require compromises, 'reform' of health care in the U. S. is a long way off.

Incidentally, Canada health care, often cited in comparison, is not uniform across the country. Alberta Health Care Premiums are about $1200/year and there is strong talk of an increase next year. Many people buy Blue Cross insurance in addition. Drugs are only partly paid for (co-payment) by the province (also part paid by my pension, but pension 'reform' may kill that). Certain new drugs used in cancer treatment, etc., are not included in the Alberta plan; a few cost thousands.